Energy- What fills versus what depletes us?
/Lori Satterwhite, MS, FNTP, owner of Fueled 4 Life and self professed lover of all things food, travel and nature!
Photo credit- Erin Burk, Be SEEN As You Are Photography
Hello from Colorado!
I just returned from an amazing mastermind retreat in the foothills of Rocky Mountain National Park in beautiful Colorado! The picture above says it all, as I am truly in my element, with my cup overflowing in this natural setting of beauty among colleagues and leaders and my amazing mentor, Danelle Delgado, who value growth and personal development as much as I do. Learning what builds my energy has been key to not just surviving this pandemic time we are living in, but to truly thriving!
Do you know the things that replenish your energy and fill your cup to be able to serve others? Consequently, are you able to identify the things that drain your energy, leaving you depleted for your work and life? I came up with my list this past week and it has to do with my daily habits!
Habits that Drain/Boost Energy:
1) Complaining/Gossip - Speaking negative words myself (or even thoughts eek!) or hearing someone else complain is a real buzz kill in my world. Even if they aren’t spoken aloud, thoughts are still felt by the body, and, if not surrendered, have the ability to contribute to emotional and physical illness.
The inverse of this- Speaking life-giving words have the ability to heal and change our whole perspective. This doesn’t mean we have to be artificial, but we can choose gratitude over the not-so-desired situation and practice positivity and thankfulness daily. I encourage you to keep a daily gratitude journal and watch your life change!
2) Taking things personally- Being too sensitive and reactive will crush your energy like nothing else will. Carrying all that emotion can hurt your own health.
When someone says or does something that offends or hurts, instead of getting upset, try having grace and asking how you can help. It is fine to be sensitive to other, as long as it is a sensitivity with an aim to serve and impact for good.
3) Inconsistency- Any habit worth cultivating is only going to pay off if you truly practice until it’s permanent. Inconsistent, random efforts will cost you your peace and energy. Think of the scientific law: “An object at rest tends to stay at rest.”
The inverse is also true. “An object in motion tends to stay in motion.” Habits created that are performed daily have the most bang for the buck. Build one habit at a time and do it for a minimum of 90 days, then add a new one.
4) Pain and frustrations- these burn strongly if we let them. Physical, emotional or situational pain can derail people quicker than almost anything else (look at the world right now). We have all experienced pain of some sort.
The key is to put pain in its place and shift our perspective. Understand that finding solutions to pain and problems give us power and are the shift that is needed. Trouble shoot yourself at first, but bring in an expert if needed. It is a sign of strength, not weakness to get help with an issue so that you don’t have to keep experiencing the same pain over and over again. That’s what I did when I was suffering from debilitating autoimmune symptoms nearly 16 years ago. My health journey of searching for answers to fix my own pain is why I became a functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.
If you’d like more information on how I help people discover their own energy boosts and drains, and to reset in mind, body and spirit, please reach out. I’d love to chat with you! Set up a free consultation or let’s have virtual coffee soon!