From Seasonal Trash to Nutritional Treasure: Pumpkin Seeds!
/During the month of October, our thoughts turn to all things fall at last! We have longed for the cooler weather that is finally upon us, and our weekends are filled with scenic drives through autumn foliage, apple picking, and visiting pumpkin patches to select the perfect gourds for baking, jack-o-lantern carving, or home decor. For years, our family has enjoyed the tradition of selecting four unique pumpkins, one for each family member, spending the month dreaming up the most creative way to decorate ours during the last week of October. Although one of my children has always loved scooping out the pumpkin innards to carve the shell, little thought was given to the seeds as they lay discarded. Well, no more!
For the last few years, I have scoured the pumpkin membranes to collect each precious seed in hopes of making a tasty snack for myself. I hate wasting anything and the store bought seeds, roasted with harmful vegetable oils such as canola just taste rancid to me (they often are!). With the purchase of my Excalibur dehydrator (see link below) a few years ago, I am able to soak the seeds first, which breaks down the phytic acid, an anti-nutrient contained within, unlocking the nutrition inside. Soaked pumpkin seeds pack a powerhouse punch of nutrition. They are loaded with magnesium, zinc, Omega-3s, and amino acids, such as tryptophan, which promotes restful sleep. Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of other minerals such as copper, phosphorus and manganese. These tiny plant foods provide antioxidants in the form of Vitamin E, and their oil has been shown to have antimicrobial properties to boot.
How to Properly Prepare Pumpkin Seeds:
If harvesting from a fresh pumpkin, scoop seeds out and rinse thoroughly in a colander to remove any membranes or pumpkin flesh. Place raw seeds (either those collected or purchased as raw) in a glass bowl and cover with filtered water and 1 t sea salt. Cover bowl and soak for 24 hours to help break down anti-nutrients. After 24 hours, drain water and rinse.
In a dehydrator set to 105-110 degrees, or an oven set at the lowest temperature possible (no more than 170 degrees), spread seeds on parchment lined trays. Sprinkle with sea salt if desired. Dehydrate until firm and crispy, about 6-8 hours, depending on your oven/machine. Store in a sealed container in the freezer or refrigerator to prevent rancidity. Enjoy!
the season's best wrapped up in pumpkin seeds!