The Emotional Side of Eating
/We all want to have more energy, vibrancy, and feel and look our best. This starts with getting the most out of what we consume. Of course, we want to choose to eat nutrient-dense, whole foods such as grass fed meats, organic fruits and veggies, and properly prepared whole grains and legumes. Getting more nutrients out of our foods depends on good digestion. Many people take supplements such as digestive enzymes, apple cider vinegar and others to aid their digestive process. But, we often fail to address the very first organ that begins the digestive process: the brain. The state of mind we are in while we eat, how we eat, and what we think about all affect our ability to get the most out of what we eat. Here are some tips, adapted from one of my instructors, Amy Lupton, NTP of Life Root Skin Foodie, at the Nutritional Therapy Association
1. Slow Down- We all live fast paced lives these days, which wreaks havoc on our digestion, as we cannot ideally digest when we're in a "fight or flight" mode of reacting (sympathetic dominance). We digest best when we are in a "rest and digest" mode, or parasympathetic dominance. Slowing down and taking time to be present with our food, chew well, and enjoy your surroundings and meal are paramount.
2. Be Thankful- God has blessed us with our daily provision, so remember to take the time to pray and truly be thankful for each morsel of food you are given. Remember those people who have grown each ingredient, produced the food, and lovingly prepared each meal. Celebrate these gifts each time you sit down to eat!
3. Eat in a Relaxed State- Whenever you eat, be mindful of your body and mind's state. Be present with your food and don't wander. Capture every moment you're eating and stop multitasking (i.e. don't eat in front of your computer or the TV!)
4. Breathe- Take 5-10 long, slow, deep breaths before each meal to help relax. Oxygen is the key nutrient needed to enhance our metabolism and for life itself. When we breathe fully and deeply, we invite peace and calm into our being and affirm our presence.
5. Choose Pleasure- Good food is a joy and one of our greatest gifts in this life. This joy is a powerful digestive catalyst, starting the process literally when our mouth waters over something delicious. Food is part what makes life worth living each day. Savor these moments!
6. Love Yourself Through Your Food- High quality food is a gift of love to our bodies. Food that is grown and produced sustainably with love and care is a blessing of nourishment to ourselves and one of the primary steps in self love.
7. Trust Your Intuition- Our bodies ask us to listen. They speak to us through signals which offer insights into how and what we eat. Learn to listen to your body and honor it through the choices you make.
8. Take Your Thoughts Captive- If our minds carry self attacking thoughts, our relationship with food can become painful. Be kind with how you speak to yourself. Choose to care for yourself with positive, uplifting and inspiring words. If negative thoughts do present, release these to God and show grace to yourself. This is a process and we're all on a journey.
9. Let It Go- Once your meal is finished, let it go and enjoy the rest of your life. Stop obsessing, release any guilt or worry about food, calories, or weight, and use all the nourishment you've just received to fuel your creativity, do wonderful works, and be an agent of change and love in the world!
Good digestion starts with your brain!